Estes Park, CO


On October 22, 1966, a composite map of the Fall River Estates Addition to the town of Estes Park – located in sections 15 and 22, T5N, R73W of the 6th P.M., Larimer County, Colorado, was completed by Estes Park Surveyors for its developer, Del A. Lienemann, Sr.   His concept was for each owner to have a "piece of the Rockies" within the town and all six utilities to serve every lot; electricity, city water, telephone, municipal sewer, cable TV, and natural gas mains.

Fall River Estates Community Non-Profit Corporation FRECNPC was set up by the developer, Del A. Lienemann, Sr. on June 15, 1978 when he decided to subdivide the property into lots and sell those lots.

FRECNPC HOA Board of Directors was subsequently created to “manage the business affairs of the Corporation” & mandated and empowered by FRECNPC By-Laws. The Board has over-sight responsibilities over the entire subdivision, including its covenants.

In early 2017 property owners within Fall RIver Estates HOA (FREHOA), formerly Fall River Estates Community Non-Profit Corporation (FRECNPC), approved the name change and the combined proposed amended covenants to bring Fall River Estates HOA into compliance with Colorado State law. (May 15, 2017 - Fall River Estates HOA Amended Protective Covenants).